Juice Plus - My Website
Tower Garden Delights!
My Story: 💚
Whole foods in a capsule. This is my personal solution to striving for more energy and better health.
Discovering Juice Plus
Triumph and Research
My Experience.....I had just had basil skin cancers removed, and was feeling extremely lethargic. I was picking up my son from his friend’s house, and the mother of that family asked, “what’s wrong with you?” I said, “I should be fine but I am really just feeling dead. I have no energy, I don’t know”. She literally took me in her house, handed me some hand picked kale and carrots from her personal garden, along with some Vegetable Blend and Fruit Blend capsules. I went home and took them. 2 each daily, and on the third day I was actually feeling better than I felt for a long time! I thought it might just be in my head since I was really at a low before I started to take them so maybe I was just getting back to normal. But I kept taking them anyway…. And I noticed a few things.
As a Pre-K teacher in the Public School, I was exposed to MANY children (germs) on a daily basis. My own 4 kids were involved in school activities and sports, making a germ mixture of infinite levels. I have never been in the best of health and since elementary school I had strep throat EVERY year, sometimes more than once, and I had kept upper respiratory/ sinus infections regularly. This is inconvenient as antibiotics then mess up my stomach, as soon as I complete the prescription, the next virus would start. Fever, maybe stomach upset… something, ALWAYS SOMETHING. Often being sick or just fighting a virus was keeping me from the quality things I planned or wanted to do. I accepted I’d feel tired. I expected to have allergies. I was used to the cycle. I'd taken allergy medications every day since I was 16.
I noticed that from the time I started taking Juice Plus until Christmas break, I hadn’t gotten sick. This was amazing. I realized I hadn’t even gotten a headache. Then I realized, “when is the last time I had a night sweat?” So when I was getting near the end of the supply I was gifted, I started to take them less hoping to save some for an emergency. But what happened next? I ran out. I got sick.
I decided to order a subscription – but not for myself. My then 12-year-old, Darrien, was also sick. He’d been out 3 X this school year, which was unusual for him. He was a "never miss a day all year" kind of guy with a strong healthy immune system. So when he started getting sick it hurt my mom heart. And once he ran out of antibiotics and needed more, it was concerning. I can count on one hand all the times my kids have had antibiotics. Then came upset stomachs, and a cycle of issues, we couldn’t get back to normal.
Juice Plus offers a Free Child Study – and in addition to one adult subscription, a child can sign up for free. Who doesn’t need 10 veggies and 10 fruits in their lives? I signed up for HIM. Let me state again, I would have (foolishly and sadly) never committed to the cost for myself – I looked at it as I was paying for his and getting mine for free.
And quickly, he gained some energy and strength. And quickly, as I started taking it – my energy increased. My skin improved. My knee stopped aching. It is AMAZING at what happens when your body begins to balance itself because of having proper nutrition.
This is how my journey began. A year in I added the Berries (upgraded to the Trio) because I wanted to see what added benefits I’d get, and I'd heard people report not needing allergy medication once they started taking the berry blend. I was doubtful (always the skeptic) but decided to try. Slowly, after the first bottle I started to just take an allergy pill every other day. Then every few days. Then once a week. Then when I ran out of my allergy pills I just didn’t buy a new bottle. Please understand, for me this was HUGE. The cost of adding the berry just replaced what I was already paying for my allergy medication – so that was a wash, but for me to not have teary drippy eyes, and runny nose, and sinus congestion was AMAZING. And I did not think it was possible. There are so many studies and so much research that link nutrition to improved longevity.
AND my middle schooler son, who had been sick, and wouldn’t eat a vegetable – slowly started to try some veggies (besides corn) because like attracts like. His body recognized those foods now where as before, it seemed foreign to him. I always say – I have never been as old or as healthy as I am right now. I hear so many people say as you get older you expect aches and pains. I feel the opposite. I’ve gotten older and wiser and thankfully I have a product up my sleeve that supports the life I want to live.
I’d been paying $100.00 a month for the supplements I was taking. Liquid B, buffered magnesium, Ester C, and a good mix of D, calcium and black pepper. I was still deficient in vitamin D and was not absorbing the supplements despite all the good quality vitamins I was buying. I was still low in energy and health. This is because your body doesn't recognize the specific vitamin in isolation. They were not bio-available. Eating food grown in good soil is the best way to get nutrition in your body – the source of where those vitamins come from – and I am a go to the source kind of girl. Juice Plus works for me and my family 100%.
I do credit keeping Juice Plus+ as a consistent part of our routine for health and energy. Imagine what a difference you would experience if you ate an additional 10 fruits, 10 veggies, and 10 berries every day, all grown in rich soil without any pesticides. You can't buy the foods cheaper than this. The Omegas bring even more to the system operation for fullest capacity. Now my son got the chewables through the child study for 4 years and when that promotion ended, he was a junior in high school, and I wasn't about to discontinue. He now takes the capsules. Through covid and all of the sicknesses we've quickly bounced back from - I prioritized keeping these with in reach.
Let's Talk Tower Gardening
If you want a way to grow your own food without messy soil, but allowing you to grow what you want with higher density of nutrients - try aeroponics!💚🌱 No dirt, no weeds, no pesticides and no recalls. Being able to grow year-round has been awesome for our family. With 12 interest free payments I invested in a system that has already paid for itself in what we've eaten.